circle of security

“When you are free, you can play and when you are playing, you become free.” ~Heidi Kaduson

"The need for attention is actually a need for connection. A child's behavior is, in fact, a form of communication, and it is driven by this need for an emotional connection." ~ COS

Groups are always forming - 
Email Faye to learn more 

Current Groups

Our new groups are forming at these times:

Circle of Security Parenting Class Group (6 weeks with 2 individual sessions)
Next Group Starts 

We are currently looking for funding for this aspect of our work. If you would like to sponsor or fund a group please reach out to us! 

download our flyers

       Join us for a FREE 8-week 
Online Parenting Support Group based on Circle of Security 

New Group Starting Soon
6 group sessions and 2 personalized individual sessions

Groups form through the year.

The Child Counseling Center & Play Therapy Institute of NM:
What: Parent Support based on Circle of Security (8 weeks)
Important Note About Commitment to this Group:
This is a confidential therapeutic group and it is necessary to arrive on time, with your camera on and be present with limited distractions. Being in a therapeutic group involves sharing with other members and self reflection to create relative safety for group process. This is not a class where you listen only to material. This is a support group where we learn about ourselves and each other. We ask you to attend all sessions because the material builds on itself. We ask you to commit to attending all sessions. If you miss a session due to an emergency, you will feel behind in the material, affect group process and unfortunately we do not offer make up sessions.

Details: Pre-registration required. Parents & Caregivers should plan to attend all 8 consecutive sessions in the series. This group is for parents & caregivers only. The atmosphere will be supportive, reflective, and nurturing 💗 

Who should attend: Parents and Caregivers of children.  This group will be helpful to parents from many backgrounds, ranging from healthy, high functioning families to those who have (or are) struggling with significant attachment challenges, including foster placement, separations, etc. The group is not appropriate for folks who do not currently have contact with their children, but those who have visitation while kids are in placement is okay.

To learn more about Circle of Security you can visit their website here:

What Parents Are Saying About Circle of Security Parenting Support Group:

Since 1998, the Circle of Security® program has aimed to promote secure child-parent attachment relationships. Its main goal is to translate decades of university-based attachment research into a user-friendly format for parents to learn how to provide both secure bases and safe havens for their children.  Empirical research describing the effectiveness of this parenting program has been published in Attachment & Human Development, the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, and Development and Psychopathology. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Child Abuse and Neglect (OCAN) has declared the COS a Reported Effective Program. More information about the COS program can be found at their website in the published book.

We support parents

Opportunities to bond with children through play, parent classes in circle of security and healthy attachment focused parenting education, parent consultation, resources for support in the community. 

If you have developmental concerns about your child you can review these resources and recommendations from the CDC.